This post isn’t full of perfect pictures. They don’t all mesh together, and that’s okay. Somehow, we’re celebrating an entire YEAR of marriage this weekend and I honestly can’t believe how fast time has gone by.
I learned a lot of things in the last 365 days. A lot. of things. Some of them were serious things, like learning a bit more about what cherishing your spouse actually means. Some of them were less serious things, like the fact that I married a man who frickin’ LOVES CHOCOLATE MILK. (???? who knew)
I learned that I can’t always count on leftovers for dinner, because Matthew WILL eat them for breakfast. (…)
I learned that when I make a mistake or speak too soon or don’t say enough, there is grace. Not only from the man I married, but from me – to myself. It’s an opportunity to learn, never a nail in my coffin.
I learned that Matthew does NOT startle easily. (which is great but also annoying)
I learned (and am learning) that marriage is designed to be the safest human relationship you can have. It’s a place of trust, love, encouragement, growth, and respect. Something I never have to wonder about.
I could say SO many things about the first year of marriage for us. I’ve heard a lot of people say it’s one of the hardest – for us it wasn’t. It was honestly the best year of my life. In my fearful flesh, I could start wondering if that meant year 3 would be the hardest…or what if it’s 11. Year 30?? Except… “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.” – Matthew 6:34 reminds me that it wouldn’t accomplish anything anyway. God has richly blessed us, and I am so thankful. I have no idea what the future will hold. I only know that if our feet stay planted on the Rock, and we’re committed to each other, it doesn’t matter. God knows. And God knows our hearts. And there is no reason to fear.
So, shoutout to my husband, who is my greatest friend. You have loved me better than I could ever deserve. You have demonstrated so much patience, grace, support, sacrifice and love to me and I can’t even tell you how grateful I am that God decided to give me you to love back. 🙂
Now enjoy this collection of real moments from our first year of wedded, crazy, bliss. 😉
Best day ever.
Just two newlyweds with shiny rings, off on their honeymoon!
Looking a these pictures again makes me SO READY to go back to TN for a cabin getaway.
The tail end of our honeymoon was me moving to CAPE COD. peep all my stuff in the bed of Matt’s pickup.
People say stuff like this up here, so this was me beginning to adapt to this weird culture. 😉
Our first Christmas tree. He was thrilled about me documenting the moment. (he always is.)
Youth group in December means ugly sweaters and WE WERE’NT SAD ABOUT IT.
Merry Christmas! And yes…his suit jacket lights up.
We spent our first married Christmas in our cozy apartment. It snowed. I had sloths on my socks. It was perfect. Also I decided Shrimp and Grits was going to become a tradition in our house, so I’ll keep you posted on that.
We traveled to Connecticut in February and it was absolutely beautiful.
We stayed in a Bed & Breakfast that felt like being at your grandparents house. They put out tea and cookies for us every night. (also Matt says “Bread & Beakfast” 98.3% of the time)
First married Super Bowl!!
Valentine’s Day 2018. It’s blurry because we were both laughing. Oops.
Valentine’s Day dinner when we evaluated and stereotyped all the couples around us. (don’t judge)
Still training him in some of the domestic arts…. 😉
We are big fans of margaritas.
We spent lots of Sunday nights hanging out and doing crazy things with the youth at our church. (much pizza was consumed)
I made Matt dress up as the CFA Cow and it was the best thing ever.
WE GOT A KITTY. And Matt has absolutely turned into a cat person. Shocked.
He kicked my butt at bowling. (sigh)
We had to sell my beautiful car :(((( and found out I’m TERRIBLE at haggling.
I cooked a LOT of meals.
I watched him be a beast all year. Proud wife of a man who is way stronger and more fit than I will ever be.
We shot our first wedding together in Salem, MA!
I took a bunch of pictures of him while he slept. (creepy, I know.)
We ate sushi, and we laughed a lot.
ONE DAY I FOUND OUT I WAS PREGNANT. And obviously had to be sure.
Matt took such good care of me the first few months I wasn’t feeling great.
We shot more weddings together.
We saw our little tiny girl for the first time when she was just the size of a raspberry.
I lost a lot of chess games. (but I DID beat him 3 times)
I switched out my margarita for fried ice cream. #pregnancy
We got really tan, really sandy, and really excited about going back one day.
We found out the little human growing inside me is a GIRL. And I can’t wait to meet her in year number 2. 🙂
I laughed!
I literally cried!
This is beautiful and am so blessed by you Micaela that you are the perfect match for my son Matthew.
I love you.
Love, Dad.